Hi everybody...........I'm on a roll, what a past 2 weeks. And now it ends with US Postal Service Commemorative Stamps all about the Eames.
Herman Miller, DJ DuPree, George Nelson, Noguchi.....we've been exposed to Eames and should surely appreciate this stamp.
I always buy a sheet to tuck in one of my woodworking text. Kinda fun finding it a few years down the road.
Pick up a sheet, if you're a follower of the blog you know the "Eames Team".
PS......editing now, look for a very special interview in the coming days. It's over the top.
Hi Neil,
I will have to pick up some of those Eames Commemorative Stamps. I am looking forward to the new podcast. I read your blog entry over at the Rough Cut Forum about your trip to Purchase, NY – “Chairmaking: The Will and Steve Show.” It sounds like it was a great event and great opportunity to learn from two craftsmen. As you indicated, you have been a busy man traveling to T-Chisel’s shop and then to the Purchase, NY woodworking event. I have learned from your podcasts that you are a connoisseur of great furniture designers and craftsmen. Attention to detail with every aspect of the design is a hallmark of your craftsmanship. You seem to have a knack for studying great designers and taking inspiration from them in creating your own pieces. I mention all of this because I am interested to see how you will transform aspects of the Bombe and the Chapin chair and create a piece that is your own “Furnitology Production.” To push the realm of design and incorporate ideas taken from the Bombe or Chapin chair into a more contemporary/modern piece would be interesting to see.
As my study of woodworking progresses I am learning that executing the techniques to produce a piece of furniture and to actually create your own design are two different things all together. At my stage of the game I seem to be more focused on perfecting my skills and techniques so I can properly execute in the shop. On this point it is interesting to hear Tommy give credit to Steve as the brains behind many of the design features of the Bombe. Although in his ‘tongue and cheek’ fashion he often reminds us, “whose betta then me,” he also acknowledges that he could not have done it with out Steve’s help. It is refreshing to see a woodworker of Tommy’s caliber who can build a piece like the Bombe with great precision and craftsmanship reflect upon the areas in which he wishes to seek improvement. Thus, from beginners to master craftsmen we all could learn something about the design process.
I hope a future Furnitology Production will give us a glimpse into your interpretation of the Bombe and Chapin chair. I think it would be a great learning experience to watch you take us through this process.
Mike (the Mike who is building the kitchen – once again it was pleasure to meet you and talk shop)
Hi Mike...........you are spot on brother!!!!! Thanks Mike....its an indication I'm getting through.
The wheels are turning, already been experimenting with the stratch stock, have an idea I've been sketching for a Bombe "style" the proportions are trickey, it uses the vacuum press. And I have changed a base design on a chest of drawers to incorporate a shell so I can get my carving tools hopping again. That's from the Chapin chair....don't quite have a handle on where a long term chapin will go.
Mike you get it man!!!!! Your writing touches on and has you thinking in a "Transitional Style". It's the idea of using traditional icons with contemporary materials.
I thought your comment about learning technique and building a design was very attentive to what the craft is about. As I move forward, I've found that over the last 12 months, I've been more focused on technique in essence, bringing myself back to the beginning. Early on, (late 70's), I specifically went after technique but found it came in conflict with the materials that allowed me to design furniture that could be manufactured. So for the past 20 years, traditional technique was not part of my design process, now I'm right with you in that I'm addressing technique and want to apply it in my designs. Kinda interesting.
Remember I have to complete Carlo and after you see who I have an interview with, why I stopped will make sense.
Mike you have put up an excellent post. An indication of thought beyond your experience. SUPER!!!!
Neil, I can't wait to see what you have planned next for your virtual students. Even for those not wanting to pursue the craft, your blogs are informative on a scale for the intellectual who just wants a better understanding of great design. The men and women who invested everything they had into what they envisioned, damn the consequences, or any monetary gain, are what make our country and world the great place it is today. I've said it before and will probably again. Thank you for your passion, not only to create, but to teach.
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