Friday, September 10, 2010

Beginning Woodworker Part 5 - Sketch and Drawing

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Here we are at Part 5 of the Beginning Woodworker and competing in the Sawdust Chronicles Build Challenge.

We take to the Design process, stress the importance of sketching and discuss to bring; the manufacturing process and full scale drawing together.

The fact that most thinking should take place before machining is discussed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Beginning Woodworking-Part 4 Sawdust Challenge 2010

Part 4 of the Beginning Woodworker takes us to the place where woodworking prizes can be won, the third Sawdust Chronicles Build Challenge. The start date is September 1st ending with a submission date of Oct 31, 2010. Sponsors of the challenge include Rockler, General Finishes, Kreg Tools, Dewalt, Popular Woodworking, Michael Dugan, a 1 year subscrition to British Woodworking magazine and much more. Its not to late to sign-up, cut off date is September 15th. This episode takes us into the constraints of the build challenge and makes you aware of 2 furniture designer's who's work we can draw inspiration from Gerrit Rietveld and Alan Peters. Take a look and come for a ride into a beginners look into an internet build challenge, created by Rick Waters of the Sawdust Chronicles.

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