This post intro's with a sound clip from the Chris Schwarz interview by Matt of Matts Basement Workshop. If you are a listener of the Basement Workshop, many of you will agree, that few just plan love the craft more than Matt.
I address and rededicate my passion for the Build and lead into a video produced for the Furniture Society Blog blogmaster David Richardson.
The video goes into the shop of David Ebner, where he graciously shares his craft in demonstartion. Mr Ebner will be a presenter at this years Furniture Society Conference.
Enjoy this post, it was fun to produce.
Neil, You have a great show and your love of woodworking is clear in your presentations. What is also clear to me is your desire to inspire others to learn by doing. I spend a lot of time reading magazines and internet sites which have much to offer. Building requires a willingness to make mistakes and move on. It is from this building that I have gained the most knowledge and love of woodworking. I hope to see some pics of your crazy leg table. I need to get my butt in gear and going on it again.
From a boy born and bred in RVC now living in the land of T-Chisel.
Thanks for highlighting David's unique work. We can't get enough inspiration by peeking into the shops of other amateurs and professionals who are pushing the craft. In the past, I've always gotten my inspiration primarily from the premier woodworking magazines. The new age of blogs, videos, and bulletin boards is giving us all a real time method to interact, encourage and teach other woodworking nuts. Keep up the vanguard of this media teaching tool.
Secondly, I was glad to see the crazy legs table on display and your enthusiasm for what is happening on the Rough Cut Forum. This exercise and project is truly unique. I am not aware of anything like this being done elsewhere on the net.
Keep up your great work. Look forward to seeing your other posts and your crazy legs table progress. Would love to stop by your shop when I am in RI this coming July. Been decades since I've hitched a ride on the ferry to LI.
Thanks for, once again, exposing me to new designs and designers. I love the opportunity to get a glimpse into the the world of someone who is going in their own direction of furniture design. To me it's very much like a guitarist who has their own, very recognizable voice. They play the same instrument, but just listening you can tell whether it's Clapton, Santana, or Frampton.
Any idea when we'll see more or Carlo's piece? Also, thanks for the advice on mitering the 60 degree angles on the booth I was making. The panels turned out well. I wish I could say the same about the whole piece, but the mistakes I made will be corrected for future pieces.
Well it sure is about doing and of course hard copy and internet research are important to the process but nobody knows your woodworking story until you begin to create the depth of your skill-set.
I do support Tommy MacDonalds' approach to teaching the Fed embellishments. He is absolutely correct when he says, it's not that difficult you just have to do it. There are those that make a mystery of woodworking when in reality there is none.
As for Carlo......until he's done, he'll always be on my radar. I made a discission a while ago that I would react to opportunities that present themselves to me at the expense of an on going project. I probably do not talk about myself enough but if I tap a my history and some opportunity arises I'll move on it and the project will waite. I know I get out of sequence, but I also know my video production and content are superior. Over the past week I have moved a project up in priority because I have a plan for a future episode.
I owe nobody and nobody owes me, I feel its important to my craft to show more depth than other podcasters and I do. After all my tag line at BlipTV, is "woodworking my style...up a level".
Cool Neil!
I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for us. I'm looking forward the new project you wrote about.
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